Saturday, December 3, 2011

Teas by Moods

‘Take some more tea,’ the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
‘I’ve had nothing yet,’ Alice replied in an offended tone, ‘so I can’t take more.’
‘You mean you can’t take LESS,’ said the Hatter: ‘it’s very easy to take MORE than nothing.

I am, by my nature, a very ritualistic person. When I sit down to write or work on my laptop, I try to have a cat by my side (although I admit, it is quite difficult to convince a cat to be with you most of the time),  a notebook with a pen, music and a cup of something to will along the afternoon.

I’ll be honest – sometimes I would have coffee even if it’s not the morning. I love coffee but there is a problem with coffee. Two cups in and you would be bouncing of the wall and I would be awake till about 3am.

Tea on the other hand.

I love my tea and I have been known to wander into random tea shops and buying up tea. So as you can imagine, my tea selection is large and I do get a bit stupid standing there trying to think about which tea to go for.

There really isn’t any fast and hard rule when it comes to tea – you could drink anything if you want to. But I do have some guiding rules  which can probably help you choose the right tea – depending on your mood.

English Breakfast – this is my go to option when I am very, very sleepy but I don’t feel like having coffee. A quick jolt of tea and I’m good to go without the caffeine crashing down on me.

Assam – when I want to have something strong but without milk or sugar. I love the malty taste of Assam.

Green tea – I make green tea when I’m feeling particularly ‘writerly’. Since I usually make tea with loose leaf, I get to do many infusions, which is perfect if I have a long project that I can’t leave my desk from.

White tea – This is one of my favourite teas because it’s so light and yet very flavourful. I don’t really need an occasion to drink white tea, I drink it all the time but I do favour it most when I’m unwell because I believe it makes me feel better. This tea also allows for multiple infusions.

Darjeeling – Darjeeling is my favourite tea in the world. But because it’s very expensive, I don’t drink it as often. I do drink it on special occasions, when I have a reason to celebrate or sometimes, on a day when I feel like I’m just worth it.

So what type of tea do you drink and when?