Friday, September 9, 2011

First Post!

I think without a doubt, everyone gets very awkward when it comes to the first post. Like, what exactly are we supposed to write about? What are we meant to say here that would mean something to our readers?

I suppose it's no different for us, the first post even for The Good Tea Company will be just slightly awkward. But I'd like to welcome all to the official blog of The Good Tea Company. Here we will be posting various articles that we hope would be interesting to all the tea loves out there - from reviews of teas that we will be bringing in, to Tea 101 where you could browse to learn more about tea and my personal favourite, tea recipes and tea pairing where we will pair different types of teas with different kinds of foods!

So check back often, we'll be publishing a bunch of new and exciting stuff in the world of tea for your reading pleasure!

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